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» An Unfortunate Accident (Open)
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 An Unfortunate Accident (Open)

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Marielle Prince

Marielle Prince

Posts : 4
Join date : 2016-05-15
Age : 32
Location : North Dakota, USA

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An Unfortunate Accident (Open) Empty
PostSubject: An Unfortunate Accident (Open)   An Unfortunate Accident (Open) EmptyMon May 16, 2016 2:41 am

Marielle slowly advanced towards the common room, dragging her feet behind her. She had been running around outside, kicking her football around, and was exhausted! She had been playing and some fourth year Ravenclaw that thought they were all that was teasing her about playing with a muggle toy and a fifth year Slytherin had stood up for her. Her dad had been a Slytherin, so if she could not find anyone in her house, she tried to find a Slytherin who had smiled at her before. She thought that indicated someone was trustworthy, when they smiled at strangers as they walked by.

Once she arrived at the common room, she tapped out the rhythm to enter and awaited entry when she finished.


She looked where her hand was and sighed, noticing she had tapped the rhythm onto the wrong barrel and was now drenched in vinegar. This probably had happened to her near ten times this school year, as she did not always pay attention to what she was doing, and her clumsiness didn't help any. She hurriedly tapped it out on the correct barrel and entered the common room, ducking as quickly as she could into her dormitory to shower.

After most of the vinegar was washed off, her clothes were changed, and she had brushed her hair, she put her football into her trunk and grabbed the book she was reading, The Giver. Walking back out to the common room, she found an empty, flower-printed couch and curled herself up on one side of it, opening her book back up to where she had finished reading the night before, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.
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