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» Chances (Ariel)
Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] EmptySat May 28, 2016 11:34 pm by Ariel Wilde

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] EmptySat May 21, 2016 11:40 pm by Hunter VanDerberg

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» Claim a Face
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Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] EmptySun Apr 17, 2016 10:30 pm by Morgana Gaunt

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Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] EmptySun Apr 17, 2016 5:18 pm by Miranda Cunningham


 Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users]

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Morgana Gaunt
Morgana Gaunt

Posts : 991
Join date : 2013-05-20
Age : 30

My Character
Activity: Junior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] Empty
PostSubject: Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users]   Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] EmptyMon Jan 19, 2015 7:01 pm

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] W8sw0i
Welcome to Live the Magic! We hope you enjoy your time here, and to ensure that this happens, here is a list of general rules that apply to every user.

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] 2008fvk

  1. This is an account per character (APC) board.  You must create a new account for each new character you create.
  2. This forum is rated PG13.  You may not post explicit content or graphic violence, whether in the form of text, images or links. Please also be sure to read the forumotion terms of service.
  3. Advertising by any means other than through our affiliation forum is not permitted.

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] 35ldnp3

  1. The Golden Rule: Treat other members the way you want them to treat you.
  2. Any sort of cyber bullying WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. You will lose your accounts and your IP Address will be banned.
  3. All topics should be posted in English.  If your character is multilingual you may post snippets of other languages, so long as you also include an English translation in your post.
  4. Keep your writing intelligible.  We understand that everyone makes mistakes, but remember that other people are reading your posts and may not understand what you mean if you consistently make spelling and grammatical errors.
  5. Topics are open to all users, unless otherwise noted.  Please ensure you read topics carefully to ensure your character is welcome to join, and if you are unsure send a PM to the topic starter.
  6. If you are taking a leave of absence, we would appreciate it if you could post in the appropriate forum.  This simply allows us to work around your characters in relation to plot.  You are not required to disclose personal information.
  7. The forum rules apply to the whole forum, including the chatboxes.

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] Vwqq6x

  1. Your character should have a unique lookalike, who you can claim through the face claim thread.
  2. All lookalikes should be established celebrities who the admins can easily find via google search.  You may not use your own picture to represent your character.
  3. Signature images should be no wider than 500px and no longer than 400px
  4. All graphics created by other people should be credited in your signature.

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] 24axuki

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] Wjeuqw

  • All characters MUST BE ORIGINAL.  We are in the 2030s, so Harry Potter and other canons are in their 60s or older, and this forum does not take on canons. Creating an original character with the same history and plot as a cannon character is also not allowed.
  • Characters may not have special abilities unless approved. Please see the Claim an Ability thread and send the form to one of the admins.
  • You can have a maximum total of 10 characters.
  • You must reach a minimum of 50 In Character posts with each character before you may create a new one.
  • After your fifth character, you must wait six weeks to create a new character and may not create a new character without admin approval. This rule applies to every character up to your tenth.
  • For every second girl, your next character must be a boy, in order to keep gender statistics balanced.
  • For every Hogwarts character, you must make either a Durmstrang or a Beauxbatons character. This applies for adults and students alike.

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] 2e68zle

  1. All IC posts, aside from lessons, must be a minimum length of 200 words.
  2. All replies to lessons must be a minimum length of 100 words.
  3. Your character IS NOT perfect. Please roleplay your character realistically.
  4. IC (In Character) is NOT the same as OOC (Out of Character)
  5. Godmodding is not allowed unless you have permission from the player of the character, in which case you will need to state you do.
  6. In order to involve your character in a romantic relationship, you must first involve them in five non-romantic threads. This is to ensure that new characters become well-rounded and are not being created simply for the romantic element of roleplaying.

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] 2u6hj4x

  1. We enforce a first-year start, so your character must be ELEVEN years old to being their first year.
  2. Romantic relationships and interactions are not allowed between student characters under the age of thirteen. While we understand that children have crushes and such, we ask that you represent your younger characters in a way that is realistic of their age.
  3. During the school term, student characters may only roleplay in their appropriate school. Students may also roleplay in their school's associated shopping village (such as Hogsmeade) if they are third year or above.
  4. Students age thirteen and over may apply for a job.
  5. During summer, Students may roleplay anywhere that is realistic for them. Keep in mind that a Beauxbatons student wouldn't just be wandering around London for no reason, but would he likely to be wandering Paris. Nowhere is forbidden, but please keep your character's actions appropriate for their location.
  6. Please keep your character's abilities generally realistic for their age. Keep the Spell Book in mind!
  7. Please keep your school duties in mind, such as attending most of your classes.

Rules of Live the Magic [must read for all users] 1zyzfno

  1. An adult is any character age 17 and over that is no longer in school.
  2. Adults may be created, or developed when a character graduates from their respective school.
  3. Adults may apply for a job.
  4. Aside from appropriate staff, adult characters may not roleplay in any of the schools.
  5. Adult characters may use any spell.
  6. Marriages, adoption and children are allowed.
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