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 Wild Child [Ariadne]

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Arwen Pierce
Fourth Year
Fourth Year
Arwen Pierce

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Wild Child [Ariadne] Empty
PostSubject: Wild Child [Ariadne]   Wild Child [Ariadne] EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 7:01 pm

Arwen had not been on the best side of her life this year. She was so sick of so many things. And she had no way of expressing it all. She didn't know how to, because insulting people just wasn't a part of her vocabulary. At least her audible one. Her mind, however, was continuously insulting people. At least after Christmas. It was as if something had triggered in her mind when the Christmas dinner with all her siblings pestering her about what she ought to do about her hair, her glasses and her pimples. In the end, she'd slammed her hand into the table and screamed at them. This actually wasn't so unusual in her own home, but this time, her anger hadn't evaporated like it usually did. This time, it had come back to Hogwarts with her.

So when Ariadne asked Arwen to join her in Hogsmeade for a girl's night out, Arwen had instantly said yes, though in her silent, cute way that she hated more than anything. It was time to get out of the dormitory that she'd spent every waking hour in except for class and food since the return after Christmas break. So she took on some nice, comfy clothes. It was March, so though the snow was gone, the wind still tore through her clothes and skin if she didn't pack herself up, and being cold was possibly the one thing she hated more than her own insecurity. Because she knew that this was the cause of her anger. Not everyone else. She wasn't stupid, everyone else was fine, but her own lack of strength was getting to her and she wanted to let off some steam. And her best bet in a school with no other good and proper friends, was Ariadne.

Arwen walked to Hogsmeade on her own, she'd told Ariadne that she wanted to fix a couple of things when she was already there, so she'd go one a bit ahead of her. Of course, it was a lie. Arwen just really hated walking and talking at the same time, because bad silences always happened, even though it was impossible to be awkward around Ariadne. She never let you think too much on one thing before she moved on to a new subject. Which was awesome. So Arwen just waited for Ariadne in front of the Hog's head where the girl had told her to wait for her. Apparently, Ariadne had some ingenious scheme she wanted to try out for them before they entered the pub. Arwen honestly had no idea what it was, though it was foreboding disaster. Arwen didn't care though, not yet anyway. Maybe after, but not yet.

And then she spotted a ginger walking towards her in the distance. Arwen gave a soft wave, nothing too out there, because that'd been embarrassing. Just as the thought hit her, Arwen grit her teeth. Such a coward. She wanted to be more like Ariadne, and today, she'd try her best to make the older girl think she could take care of herself. That she didn't live on the safe side of life. That she could be a wild child.

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Ariadne O'Rieley
Fifth Year
Fifth Year
Ariadne O'Rieley

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Wild Child [Ariadne] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wild Child [Ariadne]   Wild Child [Ariadne] EmptySun May 01, 2016 6:01 am

Alcohol. Ari promised herself that after the in scent at the Quidditch game she wouldn't ever ever drink again until she died. It was a horrible day and even worse night. But she got Matthew out of it so it couldn't of been that bad... But her secret got out and that was what the sucky part was. Her one most deep secret that she herself didn't even believe until she heard her drunken self say the words out loud TO HIS FACE might she add. Well it had been a while since then, and yeah she had semi lied about her mum dying, and avoided her home for the hollidays pissing off Ollie, Matthews older brother. It was... Great. She guessed. Her first Christmas away from her family and without out her mum. She couldn't help herself. Her feelings where all comedians and everything was a huge mess that instead of confronting it. She ran away from it. That probably made things ten times worse.

Well, the year for better. She forgave her dad for hiding this giant ass secret that her mum didn't actually hate her, she just had cancer, which she didn't know which was worse, the fact that she had cancer, or the fact that she didn't tell the whole truth about it. But Ari forgave everything. She talked to her aunt, talked to her dad, which took a lot of guts and tears, but they hugged it out and where now on good terms and actually speaking. It seemed like everything was falling into place, but with Ari's experience, when everything seems like it's good and peachy, something big happens to measure it up. That was how Ari's world worked. Nobody seemed to understand it because everything in their world worked out perfect. They didn't have the crappy childhood Ari had. They didnt have to force people to be their friends when they where younger. Luck was on ther e side. And for once, it was on Aris side. So she wanted to celebrate.

Ari knew Matthew wouldn't want to join her on her celebration because it was a weird thing to celebrate, but Ari couldn't help it. Everything was good and where it needed to be. So, she magically got her alcohol, took a swig and started drinking. She liked the muggle stuff more than the stuff she could get from the three broom sticks or in this case, the hogs head. It had a higher alcohol percentage, and it felt more like she was partying than just sitting there enjoying what was equivocation to a rootbeer. By the time she knew it, she had finished the first bottle. Butter beer would be interesting to have on top of muggle beer, so she decided to stick with one muggle beer on her first time having both. She realized she was running late, and decided to skip aimlessly to meet her best and only girlfriend, Arwen. It was a bit sad she guessed that Arwen was the only person she knew of that would hang out with her outside of school besides Matthew. But it was their loss. Ari was fucking awesome and had an amazing personality that no one could resist.

She made it to Hogs head in one piece. She hadn't even thought of what to wear. She looked down and thought it was semi acceptable for their girls night out. She decided on curling her hair (before getting drunk obviously) and just grabbed leggings and a nice shirt. After all it was just Arwen, and just the hogs head. If it was Matthew, sure a little more effort would've gone into making her look more socially awesome, but she was just to lazy. She smiled at the girl. Ari guessed Arwen hadn't had a single drink in her life. In her purse was some muggle alcohol that she had smuggled out for Arwen. It was going to be a good night.

Ari put her arm around the skiddish girl and said, This is going to be the best night of your life my dear friend."
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