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Brage Ødegaard
First Year
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Brage Ødegaard

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Activity: Gryffindor - Year 1

A Call to All [Open] Empty
PostSubject: A Call to All [Open]   A Call to All [Open] EmptyTue Nov 10, 2015 10:47 pm

Brage had mostly kept a bit to himself in the Gryffindor tower since he came to Hogwarts. It had all been overwhelming, what with having only moved to England a year ago, and then having to leave his baby brother behind for the first time since Johan was even born. But he figured this was enough hiding. Or, hiding was the wrong word. Avoiding fit better. Of course, with his name and reputation in Norway, Brage had been brought up to play nice and be a friendly person. And he has been nice to the people he had already met on occasion. He just hadn't thought about actually gaining friends for himself.

He'd spent the trainride to Hogwarts on his own, not wanting to engage in some awkward conversation with someone he didn't know. Not to mention the fact that, though his English was pretty good, his accent was very clear, and he knew enough about bullying to know that someone might just prod on him for sounding like an outsider. Not that he'd ever cared, but he didn't seek people's disapproval either.

And now, here he was. He'd been sorted into Gryffindor, something he wasn't sure if he liked or not. He was alone in the dormitory, and he couldn't remember seeing a Gryffindor girl in the classes he'd attented either. But Brage wasn't known for being a strong observer; he might've overlooked a girl. Maybe he should figure it out? So he trudged out of the dormitory and into the common room. He did see a few girls, but none of them were his own age. One of them was actually astoundingly beautiful, and Brage recognized her as one of those students that had a big role or something; there was still a lot he had to find out about.

Deciding that the common room wasn't the place to be today, Brage left the Gryffindor tower all together and wound up in the Entrance Hall. He looked to the Great Hall and thought that what was the point of sitting there now? And then he looked to the huge oaken doors that would take him outside. He hadn't exactly packed himself in when he left the dormitory, but he wanted to go outside anyway. Into the courtyard. It was actually quite beautiful. Brage enjoyed places that looked old. He started walking backwards and craned his neck to see the clock up in its tower. Hogwarts was amazing, there was no denying that. But he wondered if he wouldn't have enjoyed going to Durmstrang more.

And then, still walking backwards, he bumped straight into someone and turned around hastily. "I'm so sorry!"
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Kathrine Winter
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Kathrine Winter

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A Call to All [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Call to All [Open]   A Call to All [Open] EmptyWed Nov 11, 2015 2:06 pm

Kathrine had decided once or twice to venture into different parts of the castle during her free time and that had been good for her. She had even met a couple of people, and participated in decent, human conversations. Then, as she’d known she would, she had returned to the library. The large room filled with books was without a doubt her favourite place in all of the Hogwarts castle. Which was why she had been so surprised- more like shocked- to realise that she was bored.In the library of all places. It didn’t make sense to her, and after thinking on it for a few minutes, she had decided stubbornly that it wasn’t the library that she was bored with, but the assignment that she had set to work on a half hour earlier. Of course she wasn’t bored with the library itself. But, she’d thought, it could be a good time to take another one of those ‘out-of-the-library adventures’.

And so, she had slipped the half written assignment into the text book, before placing it into her bag and standing from her seat. She'd then offered a smile to the librarian, though she didn’t if they noticed it, before leaving the room. She would probably be back later, she thought as she wandered across the courtyard, the fresh air lifting her mood considerably. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad thing to give the comforting, but admittedly suffocating, indoors behind occasionally.

Kathrine hadn’t walked far, but she had sat down for a few minutes on one of the benches, and before deciding that she would continue her exploration of the grounds. There were a number of things that the Ravenclaw had noticed, but she didn’t think much of it was particularly unique. Though, there was the willow tree which was definitely a little different to the ones that she’d seen before. Then, as they often did when she saw or experienced new things, her thoughts drifted to Durmstrang, and she wondered if there were grounds as nice as these at the other school.

Perhaps Kathrine just liked to try and see the best in her situation. She’d wanted to go to a different school and learn at least some different things, but her parents had decided otherwise. And so rather than holding on the bitterness that she’d had with the idea at first, she had instead been attempting to make Hogwarts seem, in her mind, to have been the better option as well. I’m sure Durmstrang doesn’t smell this nice outside, she thought to herself as she walked past the large, wooden doors of the school. Or people who don’t look where they’re going, she added as someone stepped back into her path, causing her to stumble a little, but thankfully not fall. “It’s alright,” she offered softly, straightening her clothes before fixing the boy with a curious look, “why are you walking backwards?
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Brage Ødegaard
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Brage Ødegaard

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Activity: Gryffindor - Year 1

A Call to All [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Call to All [Open]   A Call to All [Open] EmptySat Nov 14, 2015 12:17 am

Brage offered a very apologetic smile to the girl, hoping she really meant that it was okay; he knew how women often would say it was fine, but not mean it. At least... His mother had done that a couple of times. Brage pretended to know women though, he always had. But most of them answered in a shorter way. This girl's voice was soft and kind, so he figured he was out of danger. He thought she looked to be around his own age, almost familiar. He'd probably seen her in class somewhere. He must've. But he couldn't remember her name. Maybe he should've, but he was good at remembering names, so he imagined he wouldn't really know.

Brage waved his mind absentmindedly towards the big clock that was nearing midday, not actually looking away from the girl. "I was just admiring the clock," he said, letting a grin into his face. He was often perceived as cocky when he smiled, by the neighbors he'd had in Norway, so he tried to avoid it when he could, wanting to make a good first impression. "I'm Brage, by the way, I'm a first year Gryffindor," he said with a big grin, reaching his hand out for her to grab. Maybe he'd just made his first official friend? That would be so cool. He could write home about it. Say 'mom, dad! my first friend is a girl!'. They'd be so proud of him. Well, his mother would be, strong feminist as she was.

"Are you a first year too?" Brage asked, not thinking before he asked. And then his grin fell off his face. "I mean, if you're not, I'm not asking because you don't look old enough to be a seco- third year, third year, I was just," he started and then laughed at himself. "It would just be nice to meet one of my classmates, and I think I've seen you around," he finally settled on, much calmer and grinning again. Sometimes, he really was a wanker.
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Kathrine Winter
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Kathrine Winter

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A Call to All [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Call to All [Open]   A Call to All [Open] EmptyWed Dec 02, 2015 7:20 am

Kathrine eyed the boy for a moment, recognising him instantly from classes but being unable to put a name to his face. He was probably in her year, but she obviously hadn’t spoken to him before- she could count who she had on one hand, and would have been sure to remember- but she figured that there was no harm in doing so now. So, probably a little delayed, she returned the smile, hoping that make it obvious that she didn’t mind. It wasn’t like he had actually managed to make her fall, and it had been an accident in any case.

The clock?” she asked, her eyes following the wave to see a clock that in first glance appeared rather ordinary. But she had to admit that it was something to be admired, as she returned her gaze to the boy. He was smiling at her still, and she wondered why. She supposed that it was some kind of social custom, and so she pulled the smile she had given before back to her lips. “It is a nice clock,” she said, “and I’m Kathrine.” Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion for a moment when he held out his hand, as nobody had ever done that before. Kathrine had thought that handshaking was only something that adults did, but she reached out and took it anyway, shaking it quickly before releasing it again.

Kathrine blinked as he asked her if she was a first year, only to immediately continued speaking. Even she knew that he was trying to cover himself, incase he had offended her. So she laughed, very softly, and shook her head. “It’s okay,” she said, the smile on her face surprisingly genuine even to her, “yes, I’m a first year. In Ravenclaw, actually. That’s probably why we haven’t spoken to one another before.” Pausing, the look on her face thoughtful, she said, “you’re not from here either, are you?” It was only the accent, that she could recognise as not being British, that made her think as much. Perhaps he was another one of the students who would never be able to experience Durmstrang since it had closed.
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Brage Ødegaard
First Year
First Year
Brage Ødegaard

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Activity: Gryffindor - Year 1

A Call to All [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Call to All [Open]   A Call to All [Open] EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 12:39 am

Brage took the moment when she looked at the clock to trying to relax a bit more. It wasn’t that he was nervous or anything, he’d just been a bit shocked when he’d bumped into someone. He was normally so aware of everything going on around him, but he had gotten completely caught up in the clock, so much so, that he forgot his surroundings. If his father had been there, he’d have been disappointed. But this thought actually calmed him more; his father wasn’t there, which meant he could do as he saw fit, as long as it wasn’t bad enough to send a letter home. And it wasn’t as if his father was cruel or anything, but Brage really didn’t want to let him down. There wasn’t a person in the world Brage respected more.

Her statement and smile made Brage beam back at her and make a sound of agreement. «Nice to meet you, Kathrine!» he said happily. He noticed the look his hand got when he stretched it out for her to grab. Maybe it wasn't usual for kids to shake hands? Or maybe she wasn’t used to it? Where he’d grown up, that was one of the things people had to do to show them they respected each other. But he supposed things might be different in Britain. When he let her hand go, he looked up at the clock again. «Oh, and I really wanted to be around when it strikes three, which was part of the reason that I was looking up at it so much,» he added. He was fascinated with clocks. According to his parents and older brother, he always had been. Of course, there was another 10 minutes to spare until it would ring.

Brage had to grin; this girl was so cool! And understanding! In addition to being a first year. Brage had yet to meet a Ravenclaw, so that was really cool too. He actually hadn’t met that many people from any of the other houses, and even in his own house, he had still a lot of people left to meet. Hopefully he’d make some good friends soon! They were all so nice. «That’s probably true!» he said nonetheless, not wanting to seem as if he was a loner with absolutely no friends, even if that was the case. But it had only been so long! He might change that around! He nodded when she halfway asked, halfway stated that he wasn’t from around. «Nah, I’m from Norway,» he said, his voice filled with a childish pride. He did miss his home country a lot, and he hoped they might celebrate Christmas there, but there was no guarantee. Then he frowned. «Either?» he asked, «Where are you from?»
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