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 A Day in Dublin (Darcy)

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Colton White

Colton White

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A Day in Dublin (Darcy) Empty
PostSubject: A Day in Dublin (Darcy)   A Day in Dublin (Darcy) EmptyThu Jun 18, 2015 9:03 pm

The strangest thing about being an international quidditch player wasn't just that Colton was always travelling all over the world for tournaments and events. What was even stranger was that when they'd finally wrapped up a series or just had an extended break between matches and Colton walked into his oversized apartment in Dublin and turned the lights on, it didn't even feel like home. Every time, it just felt like another stop on a never ending trip around the globe. The only things that made it a little more comfortable were the pictures he had scattered all over the place of his family, and of course his piano, which had been given an entire corner to occupy in the main room. And of course, Colton knew how fortunate he was. His apartment was magnificent to look at and had plenty of space. But even still, every time he stepped into his lonely living space, he couldn't help but wish that he was back in the cramped house that he'd grown up in. Sometimes, he questioned his decision to leave New Zealand at all.

But of course, those questions were always put to shame each time he mounted a broom and flew out onto the field with his team to the cheers of thousands of fans. As much as Colton struggled with being away from his family, he loved to fly. He loved Quidditch. And he was better at what he did than most people in the country. He'd always wanted to escape Middlemarch, and he had. He'd earned it, and he was immensely proud of what he'd managed to accomplish so far. He actually felt bad for a lot of players he knew - too many pros had been blinded by fame and fortune and had completely lost their love for the game. That would never happen to Colton - he knew that if he stopped loving Quidditch, he'd never keep up with this life. There'd be no reason for him to stay in his lonely apartment in Ireland or to practice his handwriting so his signature was legible or to allow Witch Weekly to put his face on the front of their magazine.

Today, as it turned out, was one of those days where Colton got to go home for a while - a week this time. But as he apparated into Dublin, his duffle bag still on his shoulder with his travel things in it, he decided to make a quick trip to the Ministry building before stopping home. After all, it wasn't like he was in a huge rush to get back to his dull, empty apartment. And he needed to get some things sorted out with the DOIC so that he could make the trip back to New Zealand for the holidays. It didn't take long, and before long, he was leaving the building, which wasn't nearly as majestic looking as London's ministry building. As he stepped through the large, official looking doors, he caught a glimpse of light blonde hair ahead of him that sparked a sense of familiarity. He didn't understand at first, but as the blonde turned slightly, his face lit up in recognition. "Darcy!" he called loudly over the people milling about, jogging to catch up with the girl. "Is that you?!" He slid to a halt next to her and instantly gave her a smile. "Er, hi," he finished, a bit sheepishly. "What are you doing in Dublin?"
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Darcy Wilde
Darcy Wilde

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A Day in Dublin (Darcy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Day in Dublin (Darcy)   A Day in Dublin (Darcy) EmptySat Jun 20, 2015 6:07 pm

The Monday that she came back from Hogsmeade, it had been a good thing that she'd taken all her things with her, because not ten minutes after she got back, her boss -an overly strict woman with graying, brown hair- walked up to her and told her to scurry off to Dublin. Dublin, of all places. However, Darcy didn't really mind, though she was mostly responsible for going to the mainland, so it could be interesting to remain amongst English-speaking people, in stead of having to talk to an interpreter and have a rather prolongued conversation with a Spanish supervisor of Magical affairs.

So she'd soon gotten on her way, being able to apparate straight to the Irish ministry. It wasn't too far away, so apparating was possible. The first thing she noticed, was how different the apparation spots looked. Darcy walked out of what looked to be a 12 squarefeet room with no door. Just a door frame. The second thing Darcy noticed was that the ministry was quite a bit smaller than the British one. Not that Darcy much cared; she was here to do business, not to look at architecture. So she quickly found her way to the reception, asking where to find the deparment of international affairs. The meeting contained a long, dreary presentation on how to improve some of the international cooperation between the Irish ministry and the British one. Darcy thought quite a few of the points made a lot of sense, but the way they were laid out made everything seem like a ludicrous idea, and at some points, Darcy had to hold back a laugh. Not because they were ridiculous, but because they made it all so complicated. And Darcy just couldn't understand why. Then again, she was pretty new at this, maybe they actually had a fair point.

After four hours, it was time for a break. Darcy figured that walking around in the nearby vicinity of the ministry was the best idea. She didn't really want to go all the way to Dublin to only see the inside of a ministry. She had two hours as well, so if worst came to worst, she could simply apparate back. What a wonderful thing apparation was. She walked out amongst a lot of other people -seemed like it was time for lunch for half of the ministry- and thought she heard someone say her name. But she was too unsure to check. Who'd she know that was in Dublin anyway? And then suddenly Colton was standing in front of her. Darcy blinked, completely shocked, but quickly recovered and a smile slowly spread on her face. "Colton," she greeted back happily. This must be karma. She'd behaved respectfully in the meeting and paid attention to every word. And her award was meeting Colton again. She'd seen him only once after their first meeting, and that was in a gathering so serious, she'd barely dared to acknowledge him. "Oh, um, international business. Some stuff about strengthening our governmental bonds and also some stuff about sports, though more about Wizards Chess than Quidditch," she said with a shrug. "And how about you? Last thing I read, the Daily Prophet said the TEAM HERE were in Belgium," Darcy said. She wondered what it was like travelling so much all the time. She did her fair share of travelling, but it was rather moderate, and mostly to certain countries.
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Colton White

Colton White

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A Day in Dublin (Darcy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Day in Dublin (Darcy)   A Day in Dublin (Darcy) EmptyWed Oct 14, 2015 6:22 pm

The way Darcy said his name instantly made Colton’s smile widen. Casually, as though he was a friend she hadn’t seen in a while, rather than a celebrity she’d been dying to meet for her entire life. The first day that he’d met Darcy, he’d known that she was different – and not only because of the strange radiating beauty about her. Colton was sure that for most guys, plenty of girls didn’t seem like crazy raging lunatics. But it seemed that being in the presence of fame twisted even the most normal of people, so for Colton, it was an extremely rare occurrence to meet somebody who saw him, and not the number on his quidditch jersey. And he’d only met Darcy once or twice of course, and he could be wrong about her – but she’d treated him like a real person more than anyone else he’d met since moving from New Zealand aside from his team, and there was a part of him that clung to that feeling of normalcy she brought, despite not really knowing her. And she was at the order meeting as well, which certainly said something about her character that Colton admired.

“Sounds like a bore,” Colton said to her with a grin. “Though, Quidditch isn’t my only forte - I’m actually pretty decent at wizard’s chess, you know. Jack of all trades, if you will.” And although his tone was joking, it was actually very true. Colton had many talents – several which the media and therefore the public knew nothing of. He was actually amazed at the amount of people who expected him to be unintelligent, just because he played a sport professionally. But Colton was actually very smart and musically inclined, in addition to being athletic. “I mean, do you like your job though? Do you get to travel much like you wanted?” The last time he’d spoken to Darcy, she’d still been in school and hadn’t been sure about what she wanted to do. It seemed that she’d figured it out, and he hoped that she was happy with her decision. “We were,” he replied. “But we lost early on, unfortunately, so I had enough time to come back home for a few days.” If home was what you could call it. “We aren’t out by any means though, we’re playing Italy in a few weeks, and that game is much more important.”

Not wanting to stand in the middle of the entranceway any longer, Colton continued walking, inclining his head to invite Darcy to join him. “Where are you headed now?” he asked, strolling down the stairs at a leisurely pace. “If you’re looking for food, there’s a great pub not too far from here. I was going to stop in for lunch, if you want to come.” That wasn’t entirely true, actually. Colton was going to make a sandwich at home. But having lunch with Darcy sounded far more appealing. “If you have time, that is. I just have to drop my bag off at my apartment, I can meet you there.” He’d almost forgotten he was still carrying his oversized duffel bag full of equipment. “Or, you can come with me, if you’d like. My flat is just a few blocks that way,” he said, pointing in the direction of his apartment. “It won’t take long.” Colton hoped that she had time. He found himself wanting to get to know her better, and it would be a shame to waste an opportunity when luck seemed to have thrown it at him.
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Darcy Wilde
Darcy Wilde

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A Day in Dublin (Darcy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Day in Dublin (Darcy)   A Day in Dublin (Darcy) EmptyThu Nov 05, 2015 12:31 am

Darcy laughed at his mentioning that Quidditch wasn't his only forte. He had a light and joking tone, but Darcy was sure there was some truth in there. "I'm sure you have many talents, Colton."She wondered what that was like, being known for one thing alone and maybe never being able to show the fact that there were more talents to the person. But, then again, he could live off doing one of the things he loved. That had to be pretty great. As long as he did still love it, of course. Underestimating Colton wasn't something Darcy was about to do, though. She was still wondering slightly what he'd been doing at that meeting; being famous might make the meets harder to get to, and harder to keep secret, but then again, celebrities had a lot of impact on the world. Sometimes more than they should, in the case of the stupid ass ones.

Darcy quickly thought back to the time she'd met him in Hogsmeade, talking about her future and all that. For a second, she wondered why he'd even spared her the time, but she quickly waved it away. "I do love my job! And I get to travel a whole bunch. I've been all over Europe and a coouple of times in the Middle East as well," she said with a big smile. She'd really had a whole bunch to do and a ton of places to go. Next week she was even going to Canada! "And it is all very interesting, though sometimes the people holding the meetings are dreary people. At least here there is no translator to make it even harder to pay attention!" Not that Irish was always a dead given to her, she sometimes lost words here and there, but she did like the sound of the language and if anything, that just kept her more alert. She studied him when he said they'd lost, and it seemed like he didn't take it too heavily. "That's too bad though, but good you're not out! How's the team?" she asked with a secretive smile; she had not forgotten some of the looks she'd gotten from some of them.

Darcy walked with Colton as he asked her where she was heading. She shrugged. "I have no idea. I have two hours before I need to get back." She did like the sound of a pub and some food. She could really use that. Growing up with Ariel certainly made sure you had a healthy appetite, the way she spoke about food. So, she was about to say yes, she'd like to eat there, when he continued saying he'd just have to drop off his bag, telling to meet her there. "Sounds-" she stopped when he suggested she'd come with him. Darcy felt a tingle in her stomach that had nothing to do with food and almost rolled her eyes at herself. Honestly. She chuckled and nodded. "Sure, I'll come with. Always wondered what the apartment of a quidditch player looks like," she joked and followed him on the way.

Despite the fact that it was a bit weird, meeting him in the streets and suddenly walking towards his apartment, Darcy quickly found that it was rather nice, just walking with him. She didn't really stress what she wanted to say to him, and she didn't feel awkward, even though she was pretty aware of what was going on around her. "So, have you been back home lately?" she asked, this time meaning New Zealand and his family. She guessed he had, for holidays and the like, but she knew what it was like to miss home, what with Hogwarts and all. She was still living with her mother in Knightsbridge, but she was looking for a small apartment for herself, which was pretty much scaring the life out of her. Life really was a hardship in many ways. But a good one.
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Colton White

Colton White

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A Day in Dublin (Darcy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Day in Dublin (Darcy)   A Day in Dublin (Darcy) EmptyMon Nov 09, 2015 2:44 am

Darcy's laughter was contagious, and Colton found himself laughing as well. "It just so happens that I do, not that anyone would know it," he replied, his tone light. "But I'd prefer to keep it that way, if you don't mind, so don't go giving up my secrets to any reporters." He was still joking, but somewhat serious at the same time. The last thing Colton needed was some reporter getting wind that he was an accomplished pianist - he was allowed to have some private pastimes after all. When you were as well known as Colton, all of your talents were exploited, which was exactly why he'd made sure never to mention them before. As far as the world knew, he was good with a broom and a half-decent person. Anything beyond that wasn't their business, and was something that Colton would share individually as he saw fit. But he had a strong feeling that he didn't have to worry about Darcy revealing anything to the press - and even if she felt like it, he hadn't told her what they were.

Darcy's huge smile in response to his question about her job made him glad that he'd asked it - she was obviously happy enough. And as if she wasn't beautiful enough to begin with - and really, she was, and it was bafflingly distracting - her smile lit up her face in a way Colton hadn't seen before, and he couldn't help but smile back. "I'm glad to hear it!" he said brightly, really meaning it. "It isn't too often that people find the perfect job on the first try, so if you've managed it then you're a step ahead of most of the world." Colton grinned at what Darcy said about a translator. "Maybe in a year or two, you won't need one as often as you do now - you'd be surprised how much you can pick up of a language when you travel a lot. I didn't know any other languages before I left New Zealand. Now, I'm nearly fluent in Irish, I'm passable with French, and actually can understand a few words in Japanese believe it or not." Not many thought. Japanese was an interesting language, and Colton was pretty sure he'd never get the hang of it.

"Yes, well, nobody's too worried about it," Colton replied, shrugging the comment off lightly. He did flash Darcy an amused grin though, at her next question. "They're good. Some of them stayed back for the chance to prey on a few Belgian girls," he joked with her, laughing. "I hope I didn't give you too bad an impression of them that day, actually," he added. "They're actually pretty decent blokes most of the time." And truthfully, Colton couldn't exactly blame them, because she was easily the most beautiful girl that any of them had seen, and she had an almost strange presence about her that was particularly captivating. though he wasn't going to tell her that. But in a way, he was glad that it had all happened the way it did, because he'd gotten to meet Darcy because of it. Not wanting to seem tactless, Colton continued. "And how's your sister? The one we signed something for? Did she enjoy it?"

Colton beamed down at her when she agreed to join him. "Great!" he replied as they walked, his feet taking him in the right direction without him needing to tell them to. "It's really only a short walk, just a couple blocks." They'd be there in a few minutes, and then they could be on their way. There was no reason to send Darcy off to sit at a table by herself and wait for him. "Though, it isn't nearly as exciting as you may think. Big and empty," he told her, describing his apartment. His smile softened when Darcy mentioned home. "I get home now and again. Not as often as I'd like, but my family comes to visit me plenty as well. They can't leave New Zealand for long - they deal with Dragons, and their being there to handle things is pretty necessary. It's probably what I would've done, if I hadn't wound up in Quidditch."

It didn't take long for them to reach his apartment building, and he led Darcy easily up a short set of stairs to his door. "Here we are. Told you it wasn't far." Unlocking the door, he pushed it open and let her inside. A huge living space greeted them as Colton flicked on the lights. It was far cleaner than any man's flat should ever be, and he could almost hear the sound of his footsteps echo off of the walls. In the far corner, his grand piano protruded into the room, and pictures of his parents and siblings littered the walls here and there. Otherwise, he was more or less absent from the surroundings. "Welcome," he said to Darcy, smiling a bit sarcastically as he glanced around the room. "Make yourself at home, I'll just be a minute," he added, shouldering his bag and ducking through the hallway into his bedroom to drop it off and situate a few things.

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