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 Candy Mountain (Lucy)

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Miles Raleigh

Miles Raleigh

Posts : 41
Join date : 2013-12-27
Age : 39
Location : Brighton, Iowa

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Candy Mountain (Lucy) Empty
PostSubject: Candy Mountain (Lucy)   Candy Mountain (Lucy) EmptyMon Apr 06, 2015 9:55 pm

Sweets. It always did the job when he was feeling a bit now and at this point he needed some. He'd had one of his worst nightmares yet and he had woken up bathed in sweat. So after stay up most of the rest of the night nursing his sorrows with drink he managed to somehow survive the day working at the library and then he had headed home to take a long shower and go out.

After arriving to the sweets shop he took a look around. Chocolate was his favorite so he would no doubt stock himself up on that. He also got some butterscotch candies which were one of his favorites. Heading around the store he ended up in front of the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. They had so really gross flavors but had some interesting ones that weren't actually half bad. Sitting his basket he had grabbed on the counter he looked over the beans; seeing which ones he wanted to pick out.
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